The Dangerous Camp for Boys

Hawthorn Boys Summer Day Camp for boys grades 3-6

Dates: July 8-12 and July 15-19 from 9:00 - 2:30

The Hawthorn School, Bedford, NY

Are you interested in building your own slingshot? Does the idea of full field nerf battles excite you? Would you like to take field trips to  nearby nature reserves? The Hawthorn School is excited to welcome you to “The Dangerous Camp for Boys,” a day camp for boys grades 3-6 devoted to adventure, skill-building, and stories of great heroes and explorers. Taking its name from the popular Dangerous Book for Boys, the camp seeks to inspire a love of adventure and expose boys to formative skills and activities. The camp seeks to develop the mind and body in a well-rounded way and to help boys spend their summer leisure well. Activities may involve building, team sports, full-field nerf battles, juggling, knot tying and more. The camp will run during the weeks of July 8-12 and July 15-19 from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm and will take place at the Hawthorn School. 

The cost of the program is $350 per week and a deposit of $50 is required by April 15th in order to hold your place and help us to plan for the camp. Students will need to bring a packed lunch and snack each day. One day will feature an off-campus excursion. Students from other area schools are most welcome.

To reserve your spot, please click on this link! Feel free to reach out to with any questions.  

Daring Camp for Girls

Build Confidence and Courage this Summer! 

Incoming 4th to 9th grade girls

Dates: July 8-12 and July 15-19 from 9:00 - 2:30

The Hawthorn School, Bedford, NY

Join us for an exciting summer adventure with the Daring Camp for Girls. Learn how to build a campfire, sing campfire songs, make your own charcoal, and tell ghost stories. Take a weekly hiking excursion to a local nature preserve and bring a sketchbook along to sketch in the great outdoors with the charcoal you made. Do you like acting and improvisation? Join us for skit-writing and more. Have you ever considered the versatility of bandana tying? Tie it around your neck, cowgirl style, and learn how to line dance with us or maybe even wrap it around your lunch, tie it to a pole, and head out to explore the woods. The Daring Camp for Girls is for girls entering grades 4-9. The girls will be inspired to be daring and confident while engaging in a variety of activities.

The camp will run during the weeks of July 8-12 and July 15-19 from 9:00 - 2:30 and will take place at the Hawthorn School, with excursions in the local area. The cost of the program is $350 per week and a deposit of $50 is required by April 15th in order to hold your place and help us to plan for the camp. Students will need to bring a packed lunch and snack each day. Students from other area schools are most welcome.

To reserve your spot, please click on this link! Feel free to reach out to with any questions.