On Thursday, January 5th, our nature study classes learned about what comes first with chickens and eggs. First, hens are okay with being held as long as they are held gently and their wings are supported. Also, hens have four toes, three in front and one smaller one pointing backward. They walk well with this arrangement and love to eat feed that’s high in calcium, along with many other edibles. They're not too picky. They’ll lay eggs regularly in the warmer weather, but tend to slow down when it gets colder outside. It’s important to close the chicken coop tightly at dusk because that’s when the foxes are prowling. And finally, there’s only room for one rooster in the henhouse, otherwise there’ll be trouble. 

A big thank you to the Swift family for letting us borrow their two hens!


2022-23 Feast of the Epiphany


2022-23 Christmas Party