This year the timing of Easter meant that the celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation was pushed back to April 8th, right after the Easter Break. After Mass we assembled around the Statue of Mary and Dr. McCleary led us in a reflection about the meaning of this important Feast Day. We prayed a decade of the rosary and then proceeded to celebrate with the traditional games, wheelbarrow races, three legged races, etc. After lunch, we held the Competition of the Bard in the Gym. Andrew Hamborsky’s rendition of “The Pied Piper of Hamlin” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was adjudged the best poem in the younger age category, with an Honorable Mention for Helena Cotaj’s “Sing a Song of Sixpence”. In the older age category, Celeste Mignone’s rendition of “The Listeners” by Walter De La Mare was awarded the first prize, with an Honorable Mention for Vicenzo Cusato’s “The Raven”. The Award for Best Performance of a Song was awarded to Mrs. Andino’s class for their version of “When Jesus Wept”. Dr. McCleary also commended Tobias Lee’s solo verse in “Amazing Grace”. In the younger age group, the prize went to the 1st/2nd Grade class for their performance of “Clementine”. Overall, Dr. McCleary commented that the quality of the recitations has improved markedly with each competition as the students get more accomplished in the recitation of classic works of art.


Solar Eclipse!


3rd - 8th Grade Field Trip to the Bush-Holley House